miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

UNFAIR (Pennycook)

Referring to what Pennycook says about the English language I must say that I believe more or less in the same way. During the last years there is a spread and common thought that without the english language you are not able to do or achieve anything and you don't have anything (if we refers to the professional world). This has guided us to a society to a massive fever for the necessity of learning english in detritement of other language. Nowadays, in everything you want to work or study, english language is required, so people started to learn english just to achieve their professional or educative goals, not for learning the language or for knowing more or having more culture, they just learn english to pass their language exams. So, what is the problem here? That those people are able to do english exercises correctely because they know how to apply the grammatic skills, but when they go outside the classrooms or the lesson materials and they have to deal with the real world, they are not able to communicate in english. Knowing that we can talk about the imperialism of linguistics based on the omniprescence of the US. The fault is not about the language itself, it's all about politics, because aour beliefs are based on the society beliefs.

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