jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2016

Activities about 'AULAS FELICES'

'AULAS FELICES' is an educative programme based on postive psicology and leat to primary and asecondary students. It is for free and it provides resources to work on every field. 
"AULAS FELICES” es un programa educativo basado en la Psicología Positiva y dirigido a alumnos de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria. Es gratis y de libre difusión. Pretende aportar recursos para trabajar en las áreas y también en tutoría, potenciando las Competencias Básicas más transversales, así como la Acción Tutorial y la Educación en Valores. Su estructura puede resumirse así:

Below you can see the three activities I like the most from Aulas Felices. These three activities would be chosen if I had to put in practice some activities like those in class. I think they are really interesting and work perfectly with the creativitiy and capacity of the students. 

When I was a child and I went to primary school, my teacher used to use this technique. Relaxing students is very postive because the focus on their breathing and it makes them to concentrate themselves and then, they work more concentrated. If we can use this technique in secondary school, we can mix it with the zen technique. Then, we can tell a story while they are breathing in and out as a way to clean their minds and just think in what the teacher is talking about. 

What is this, exactly? We try to motivate our students but they already have their own motivations, so we must let them to show their own motivations. So for me, creating corners in the class let students to be more creative, because their imagination can be widespread and interesting for us to know which are their skills and hobbies. 
I find this activity very cuddly. Because we should reinforce the human aspects of the education and implement activities with this kind of objectives. Even as teachers we make mistakes a lot of times, and most times we are more worried about the content than the form. We just focus on the academic skills and we forget about the human skills, which are even more important than the academic aspects. 

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